Latest News: COntact us for Casting. AUditions are always open
Our News
Jan 2020 | (No updates)
"Who is Jackson Franks?"
Re-casting 2 characters. 2 apots still open for casting. Contact us on facebook for more info.
Sept 2019 | (No updates)
"Who is Jackson Franks?"
Character reads have started.
June 2019 | (No updates)
"Villainy Unfound"
Casting starting soon
Theatric Artistry
Space, the far off unknown, filmed in a basement, a field, a backyard forrest. We specialize in bringing you the worlds you've never, using the worlds you know.
Character Creation
Family isn't just your blood, its the people that worth your blood. They could be Zombies, clones, space men, angels, and even villians. We believe in stories where the unloveable become the characters you wouldn't eat thanksgiving dinner without inviting.
Follow us @ frankedup films
xxxx xxth, 2020
(coming soon)
xxxx xxth, 2020
(coming soon)
Our Services
Concept design, construction, purchasing
Script Writting
Character design, story outlining, script writting
Film production, Photography, theming